About The Alliance
A widespread national revolt has long slipped in Norway against Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland (AP) & & the political ‘establishments’ fraudulent signing of the EEA Agreement in Corfu on June 24, 1994. This happened despite the Norwegian people’s 2x NO to EU membership as well In 1972 and 1994. Legal experts have long claimed that the EEA Agreement is in violation of the Constitution. The Norwegian Constitution represents a written social agreement between the rulers and the rulers / citizens. The contract is based on the people’s unity, derived from the principles of the Great French Revolution (1789).
§ 1 of the Constitution – The Kingdom of Norway is a free, independent, indivisible and unavoidable kingdom.
Without the people’s approval, the governments and the parliament – despite the people’s 2 x NO for supranationality and EU / EEA membership – have accepted the EU’s economic policy and supreme governance of our resources, our legislation and our immigration policy. By subjugating the EU’s supranational institutions, Norway does not decide its own development!
«Their world collapses while ours is being built»
The «impossible» has happened so far in 2016: Europe and the world are no longer the same after BREXIT and Donald Trump as new president in the United States. In the referendum in Britain on June 23, 2016, a majority of Englishmen said NO to continued British membership in the EU (member since 1973).
Then people in the United States followed our new political trend on November 8, 2016 when they chose – across the interests of the establishment in Washington – outsiders Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States.
In the Italian referendum on 4 December 2016, a resounding vote was voted for Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s reforms. The EU-friendly Renzi then announced his departure. Two EU-critical protest parties, the center-oriented five-star movement and the separatists in Lega Nord are considered as the winners of the election. The election is interpreted by many as a protest against Italian EU membership and can pave the way for the unification of the Union.
Several «dominoes» may fall over time
Germany – Newcomer Alternative for Deutschland / AfD challenges Angela Merkel’s irresponsible mass immigration policy. The new party has surprised the established parties with nearly 20% support in several measurements this autumn. The Germans go to elections in October 2017. Angela Merkel’s hengemoni can go towards the end.
Sweden – experiencing «political state of emergency» in the Riksdag. Sweden Democrats and their charismatic leader Jimmy Åkesson are in strong progress and are now the country’s second largest party. Swedish Social Democrats have led to an irresponsible mass immigration policy of foreign-cultural, which has led to major economic and cultural problems and a terrifying increase in serious crime. This, as well as the particularly strong crunch of the Swedish public order change, can be replaced by Jimmy Åkesson as new Swedish prime minister at the 2012 parliamentary elections.
In Spain and Greece, the traditional European two-party system from the post-war era, with a party to the left and a party to the right, is broken by protest parties that have arisen in the wake of the euro crisis. In Spain, the euro-skeptic and socialist Podemos have high support and have created a government crisis. In Greece, left-wing Syriza has got government power, albeit without taking the country out of the EU. In Portugal there have also been problems with obtaining a government as a result of EU resistance in left-hand parties.
We demand a prompt and binding referendum on Norway’s relationship with the EU: YES or NO to the EEA!
We want to become a broad, popular and inter-political alliance with appeal to voters in all Norwegian parties united in a resounding NO TO EEA! On the basis of the people’s sovereignty and the Constitution § 1: The Kingdom of Norway is a free, independent, indivisible and unavoidable kingdom! The struggle is about Norway’s own right to national responsibility for the country’s resources, economic policy and immigration policy.
A new, broad economic and cultural cooperation with our allies in Europe and partners in the world can be developed in a positive spirit with today’s EEA country. Not least with the UK as Norway has long and good traditions for cooperation – in war and peace. BREXIT and probably more future EU announcements will open up new opportunities for cooperation in Europe based on free and independent states!
All good Norwegians and patriots are hereby invited to become a member of:
Hans Jørgen Lysglimt